Saturday, July 8, 2017


A few years ago, I wrote a blog post of my bucket list for things I wanted to do before I turned 23. I accomplished a lot of those things, but not all of them.

I've been focused on my health this year. Today, I'm writing a list of 17 things I want to do to improve my health by January 1, 2018 and I'm really aiming to cross every one of these off!

17 in 2017

  1. Run 365 miles
  2. Run a 5k
  3. Run a half marathon
  4. Burn 2,000 calories in one day
  5. Hike the Y without breaks
  6. Go a month without sugar
  7. Go two weeks with a 9:30 bedtime
  8.  Go two weeks without hitting snooze
  9. Go two weeks with a 5:30 wakeup
  10. Do a cartwheel
  11. Banish 20 pounds
  12. Do a handstand push-up
  13. Learn how to properly meditate
  14. Take 50,000 steps per week
  15. Go two weeks without processed food
  16. Be able to touch my toes (Beery flexibility is virtually zero)
  17. Go 5 days only eating raw foods

I've gotten a lot of really awesome running advice, but I'm always open to more. I used to be a distance runner back between 2012 and 2014, but I stopped after I injured my knee. I picked back up for a very short time in 2015, but I never kept it up long enough to truly condition back into distance running.

I started on my goal to run 365 miles on this past Wednesday, July 5! It's roughly about 14.43 miles per week to meet the deadline. I was able to mark off 15.50 miles, so I only have 349.50 miles left! It sucked, so pray for me! 

I registered for the Haunted Half Marathon in Provo on October 28. Kind of nervous for that one!

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